All Categories FOMO Pop Ups How to create FOMO Pop Ups

How to create FOMO Pop Ups

By Matthew Gibbons
November 23, 2020

FOMO Popups are a powerful, premium feature of Review Engine that allows you to display timely social proof as notifications on your website. They are great for increasing conversions with the fear of missing out (FOMO) factor.

This guide instructs you on how to set them up.

Firstly, head to the FOMO Popups page.

"Popups" tab

Here you'll see there are two types of popup you can use, Testimonials and Rating summary. To activate either, use the switch to turn them on.


Turning this on will allow you to display testimonials as a social proof popup to encourage visitors to become customers. You have a few options:

— Testimonial source

Recent feedback: all testimonials, ordered by featured status, then date added.

Chosen by you is exactly that — search for specific testimonials and add them to a list.

— Testimonial filtering

Here you can prevent some testimonials from showing by adding them to a blacklist

— Message format

Choose between two display formats, one with the testimonial comments and the other without.

— Setup

Various options for the display of the popup as well as filters to exclude certain testimonials.

One powerful feature here is the ability to show a call to action. This is very useful to send potential customers to the right part of your website (for example: sign up), at the right time.

Rating summary

Turning this on will automatically display a social proof notification to your website visitors, that aggregates ratings collected via Review Engine into an average.

You have a few options including the ability to show a call to action, which again is a great conversion tool.

"Display settings" tab

This allows you customise the look and feel of your FOMO popups. You have various options for coloursstylepositioning and animation.

You can also set how often the popups displayhow long for and the time gap between each one.

"Display rules" tab

The final tab allows you to set rules for displaying your notifications, including the ability to hide on mobile devicestoggle a close button and blacklist certain paths.

Once you're happy with all settings, click the "Save" button at the bottom, head over to your site and you'll be able to see your live FOMO Popups!

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